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ServICE Conference

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

I attended the 2022 ServICE Conference at ISB where students from different international schools in Thailand gather together to discuss different global issues involving society and the environment. By meeting and listening to other people's projects and keynotes within this conference I became aware and educated on issues that exist in our society that hasn't really been talked about. Furthermore, I met a lot of people with similar service interests as me and together we were able to discuss different projects that we were implementing into our clubs at school allowing us to inspire one another with new projects and improvements that we can apply in order to grow as service individuals. During the conference I attended a How To Session with an organization called HER Period Dignity which raised awareness on the period poverty issue in Thailand and after that session other club leaders and I contacted the organization which resulted with us collaboratively planning different ways to raise awareness and fundraise for period poverty in our schools. As of right now we plan on selling products like hand sanitizer to raise money along with having a speaker come to our school in order to educate our community on period poverty. Through this conference I was inspired to further develop the service projects that I am involved in along with that I formed connections with individuals who I am able to work with in order to raise awareness on issues that may have been overlooked within society.

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