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Girls JV Basketball Team

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4. Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I joined the JV basketball team in my freshman year of high school and have been a part of the team through sophomore year. However, due to Covid-19 most of the games and tournaments are cancelled. Although, I enjoy playing basketball I am considered a weak player and most of the time is the substitute. Through this experience I was able to identify different areas of growth instead of quitting the team. This is because when I initially started playing basketball it became apparent that I was not good at doing lay ups. However, instead of giving up I took it as a challenge and consistently practiced along with asking my teammates for tips and suggestions in not only lay ups, but different factors in basketball including, defending, positioning, and rebounding.

As a member of the team we had to attend weekly practices 2-3 times a week which led me to developing my commitment skills. This is because every practice we attend we have to maintain the consistent high energy and not lose our effort. Since I was a weak player I was able to quickly recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. This is because my teammates were always encouraging even when I messed up. Furthermore, when I make a mistake they give me suggestions on how I can possibly improve by showing me the correct way to stand, shoot, and defend. Most importantly, during the game we always cheer each other up and it gives us effort to work hard. Thus, by having teammates to work collaboratively with it has allowed med to identify the benefits of having people to consistently support you and cheer you up.


AISA League Tournament in KIS 2020


Home Game Against KMIDS 2020


AISA League Tournament in KIS 2020


AISA League Tournament in KIS 2020

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