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1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

When I attended my science camp in Hawaii we went on several hikes during the weekend. The first hike we went on was on the Light House trail and it was the first time I ever went hiking. After we finished the hike I was extremely overwhelmed by how tiring it was and knew I had to prepare myself for the next hikes we would go on since it would get progressively harder. As a result, my friends and I went to the gym after our working in the laboratory in order to walk the treadmill and prepare for the next hikes. The second hike we went on was on the Pu'u Ma'eli'eli Trail which was much steeper than the first hike we went on. After finishing the second hike it was onto the third one which was at Diamond Head. Before starting the hike I learned from my previous hikes that I had to pace myself more and not rush into it thus, slowly and steadily I was able to finish the hike. Koko Head was the last hike we went on which was the most challenging one and all the previous hikes was supposed to prepare us for this. Prior to going on the hike I asked several people how I should prepare and I got several suggestions. When I started the hike I wanted to give up mid way however, as I continued moving upwards I found myself finishing the hike and the view on top was worth all the struggle.

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