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The Ruth Center Volunteer

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

During my senior year I attended the ServICE Conference and had the opportunity to volunteer at The Ruth Center which is an organization located in Bangkok, Thailand dedicated to helping the elderly. Their work ranges from supporting the elderlies in underprivileged neighborhoods to providing a home for elderlies with no family to support them. While volunteering at the organization I along with students from other international schools helped bring Christmas packages to elderlies in the underprivileged communities. Within that package there were food and supplies that will provide them with the standard necessities. Furthermore, we also passed out lunch with them and played Bingo with them. While visiting we received a tour of the neighborhood along with the chance to talk to the elderlies living in the area where they told us about their life stories. 


Prior to my experience at The Ruth Center I was not well aware of the lack of support on the elderlies within Thailand. However, the volunteer experience has raised my awareness on the issue as many elderlies were often left alone or with their significant other while some also had to raise their grandchildren. In most of the homes we visited their children were absent since they had to go to work. 

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