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Medical Kit Donations

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In the beginning of sophomore year my friends and I along with a senior led a club called SerWis. Within this club we identified issues within our communities and discussed different ways we can contribute to solving these issues. This school year our focus was on making medical kits that can be donated to local slums in Bangkok since many people were lacking medical materials like masks, medicine, hand sanitizer, and medical tools. Through this project I was able to deal with a significant issue in my community allowing me to realize that there are some families lacking important medical necessities.


As the leader of the club I was a part of the planning process where we had to budget our funds and find the materials needed to initiate the project. From doing this I was able to develop my initiation and organizational skills since everything had to be clearly planned out before it could be put into action. Furthermore, while doing this project we had to collaborate with a large group of people including teachers and students who lended a hand. Through the collaboration I was able to reflect on the importance of collaboration since everyone contributed different ideas that was applied to improve the project. Since this was a long term project, club members along with the leaders had to stay connected and continuously engage with one another. Leading to the development of my commitment and communication skills because we had to attend weekly club meeting to assemble the medical kits and call pharmacies in order to find specific medication. Most importantly, this project has taught me that within a team we need to be dependent on one another and trust that each member will make a contribution.

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