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Father's Day MC

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In my freshman year I had the opportunity to MC for the Father's Day ceremony. Through this experience I was able to develop many skills with one being learning to work collaboratively because my MC partner and I had to constantly work through our script several weeks before the actual ceremony since I had to MC in English while my partner had to translate it into Thai. Thus, we had to make sure that what we were conveying to the audience in both languages was clear and concise. Additionally, it required a lot of commitment since we had daily practices the weeks prior to the ceremony allowing us to identify our strengths and areas of growth. This is because although I knew how to project my voice I had to learn how to control the tone of my voice and finding the balance so that it isn't too soft or harsh while ensuring that my voice is clear and projected. With daily practices with the help of my partner and teacher I was able to develop skills in speaking and engaging with the audience which aided me in building my confidence as an individual.


Wells Math Competition 

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In my freshmen year the school organized an internal math competition where students from any high school grade level could participate in. As a participant I had to answer a series of math questions involving different concepts which led to me realizing areas in math that is a weakness of mine. Through this realization I tried to relearn the topics again after the math competition. Furthermore, it also taught me how to work collaboratively because a part of the competition was working with a partner to solve math problems. This experience was new to me since I never perceived math as a subject where you could work collaboratively in. However, with my partner I learned how beneficial it was to have a partner when doing math because we were able to exchange different methods to solve problems along with teaching one another a topic we don't understand.

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