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1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

Growing up I have always had bad posture and overtime it has been continuously declining. I knew I had to find a way to fix it before it was too late thus, I joined a pilates class. By working with the teacher weekly I was able to improve my posture and I no longer had a hunch back. Throughout the class I noticed that I was lacking the skills in this area since I was not flexible and it was difficult for me to maintain the posture. However, this challenge further encouraged me to attend more classes because every single time I was able to learn a new skill it further motivated me to continue. 


Moving forward, even though I started pilates because I wanted to improve my posture it has become an outlet for exercise for me. This is because unlike other sports, pilates is not rushed as a result, it has allowed me to exercise my mind and body without using too much energy

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