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SerWIS x HER Period Dignity Hand Sanitizers

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In 2022 I attended the ServICE conference where I was able to talk to many organizations about different social awarenesses. One of the organizations that I was deeply interested in was HER Period Dignity that focused on raising awareness on period poverty in Thailand along with producing reusable pads for Thai women. I was able to talk to the leaders of the organization and share about a club I was leading in school called SerWIS and we discussed how our clubs dealt with humanitarian issues. Therefore, we discussed a collaboration between SerWIS and HER Period Dignity. With the Covid-19 pandemic we decided on selling hand sanitizers to raise funds within our community to donate to the House of Blessing Foundation where the money raised will be used to hire women who have been incarcerated to sew reusable pads that will be donated to the community. 


To initiate this project my friends and I designed the hand sanitizers that would be sold to our community that fit the theme of both clubs. Furthermore, the members of SerWIS came together to help sell these hand sanitizers online and in booths. Together as a club we were able to raise awareness on a social issue that people in our community were not well aware of through the collaboration with HER Period Dignity.

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