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Spirit Week Organization Team

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

I had the chance to be the leader of spirts and events in my sophomore year. The club focused on raising the spirits and morale within our school especially by organizing events in school. To maintain the spirits and morale within the school we hosted a Spirit Week where students had the choice to dress up following a certain theme each day. During this school year we had the chance to host 2 spirit weeks, one per semester. However, due to Covid-19 our second spirit week was held online and student had to join Google Meets to take pictures with their classmates.


Semester 1 Themes (face to face)

    Monday: Pajama Day

    Tuesday: Twin/Triplet Day

    Wednesday: Character Day

    Thursday: House Color Day

    Friday: Christmas Day


Semester 2 Themes (online)

    Monday: Hat Day

    Tuesday: Wear Your Sunglasses Day

    Wednesday: Mask Day

    Thursday: Crazy Hair Day

    Friday: Wells Spirit Day



Pajama Day 2020


Hat Day 2021

Wear Your Sunglasses Day 2021

Character Day 2020

Wells Debate Competition

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

5: Demonstrate and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

In the second semester of my sophomore year the World Scholars Cup club hosted an internal debate competition since many external events were cancelled due to Covid-19. As a member of the club I decided to participate in this competition in order to improve my public speaking skills and have the chance to interact with other students. From this competition I was able to identify my strengths and weaknesses when it came to debate. This is because I learned that although I was projecting my voice whenever I started debating I often speak to fast which makes the arguments that I was conveying confusing to the judges and audience. Moreover, the team that we had within this competition was randomized which gave me the opportunity to meet and socialize with new people. This experience was beneficial in terms of teaching me how to work collaboratively with new people since I was used to debating with my original team. However, a randomized debate group taught me how to quickly adapt to a new environment allowing me to share my ideas along with learning debate skills from my new teammates.​ Lastly, my team and I received second place in this competition.


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