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During summer break I had a lot of free time because we were unable to go outside due to Covid-19 which led be to watching a lot of crocheting videos. Through these videos I was inspired to teach myself how to crochet since because I wanted to improve my art skills and I thought that this was a good way to start. I learned how to crochet through Youtube and failed several times. However, I repetitively tried to crochet certain patterns everyday until I learned it to a certain extent and was able to make something out of it. There were many tutorial on Youtube and within 2 months of summer break I managed to learn how to make a purse, top, and a cardigan. Through this experience it led to me identifying my strengths and weaknesses which encouraged me to work on the area that I made mistakes in. Furthermore, it made me appreciate handmade products a lot more because I experienced the commitment and time you have to put in before getting the actual product. From a summer activity that I thought would last for one week it has become an activity that I do during my free time in order to relax and take time off screen.


My First Top

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively​

The Process of Making My Cardigan

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